5 Interesting Facts About Spiders

a spider in a web

Spiders have adapted to live in nearly all types of environments, and they have one of the most diverse populations on the planet. They play an important role in all ecosystems– except the one in your home. Here are a few interesting facts you may not have known about spiders.

1. All Spiders Produce Silk

Something common to all 40,000 species of spiders is they all spin silk. As spiders have evolved, so has their ability to use their silk. For instance, one species with seven different types of silk can discern which type of silk to use in which setting

2. One Species Is Mostly Vegetarian

While many people mistakenly assume that all spiders are carnivorous, feasting on large and small insects, this is not always the case. One species in Central America is mostly herbivorous! Bagheera Kiplingi spiders inhabit trees that produce nutrient-rich buds on their branches. These buds mostly feed ants, but the B. Kiplingi spider also benefits from eating these small leaves. However, during dry seasons when food is scarce, these spiders are known to be carnivorous and will eat ant larvae or each other.

3. Spiders Are Near-Sighted

Most spiders have eight eyes, but some spiders, like the brown recluse, only have six. But even with all these eyes, spiders can not see far into the distance. Nearsightedness may be a problem for people, but this isn’t a deficiency for spiders. They wait for prey to get caught in their webs and use silk trip wires to warn off approaching predators.

4. Females Can Lay Up To 3,000 Eggs At A Time

Female spiders can lay thousands of eggs at a time. These eggs are housed in one or more silk sacs. The level of care and attention a female gives her eggs depends on the species. Some females die shortly after giving birth, while others share prey with them.

5. The “Daddy-Longlegs” You Might See May Not Be A Spider

The nickname “Daddy-Longlegs” has been given to a few different insect species, and only one of them is a spider. Crane flies, Harvestmen, and Cellar Spiders are all known colloquially as “Daddy-Longlegs.” Only Cellar Spiders are spiders. While Harvestmen are arachnids, they lack venom and silk glands. Crane flies are agricultural pests with very long legs and the ability to fly.

Always Call A Pest Professional For Spiders

If you think you have a spider or pest infestation in your home, you need the help of a professional to identify the species and recommend steps for removal and prevention. Call Anver Pest Control for a free home inspection and a pest prevention plan curated to your specific needs.